Just the Withers......

By JaneW

goodbye 2011 and a hello...................

2012 and a fake ciggie with some mahogany furniture smoking you,a velvet frog,the resident gob,the husbands Mr W ,The Fry and ageing Rockstar... 4 children two dogs and three cats and dare I say it.... for only the second time this year I AM DRUNK.
Oh my god,I want to cry,I want to cry at the fun... I stink... I do... I am a wino.... a vodka snaffling wino !!! I love my friends... I miss Upton the foul whore... but I am seeing her and Loveland with her husband the boiled egg on Monday.....
I LOVE blip... yes,I do !!!

p.s I sent froggie and Rockstar home in a taxi at 10.15 and the man fell over my winter bush.. and then DDLC and that lot left at 11..... I feel sick.

p.p.s I ate a block of stilton cheese and to be honest it is not sitting well .....

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