French Disko

By FrenchDisko

Survival of Santa


Spent today looking over the photos I took during 2011 for my first 365 project (which finishes tomorrow, 1/1/12) and thinking about
. what to do with the photos (mosaic? video? download?)
. whether to continue the project for another year, or to do a different photography project
. and if I continue, how to publish the photos (Flickr doesn't have the calendar aspect that I'd like)
. and then, as usual, panicing that I hadn't actually taken a photo, followed by rigging up a shot of a chocolate santa Chris gave me for Christmas. Chocolate really doesn't normally last this long in this house.

Today was the first time since I started the "One a day" project back on 2 Jan 2011 that I've stopped, looked over the photos, and reflected on which photos I like, and whether there are any patterns in the pictures I take. My most immediate observation was how worthwhile it has been, how I didn't really need to compare myself to anyone else, how the stress and frustration I experienced along the way wasn't necessary, and how much it was worth it.

The photos that mean the most to me are the ones that remind me of what I did or where I was on that day, or the abstract photos which are pleasing in themselves.

I noticed that I've not been very experimental or pushed myself technically with these photos though, which I put down to lack of time. But what that really means is lack of prioritising this aspect over other things.

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