A confused genius

By Lez11

Happy new year

Been out again today to watch Wolves vs Bolton, yet again more disapointment, 1-1.

I'm not exactly a big fan of new years eve, personally I don't really understand it. Effectively it's just another day in the calendar so what makes this day more special than the other 364days in the year? New years eve means you, have to pay to go in any bar or pub when you wouldnt normally, treble to go to a club and treble for a taxi that doesn't turn up. To be fair new years eve is more of a disapoint than watching the wolves, at least I don't have high expectation when it comes to wolves and new year.

Anyway as it is New years eve, time to look back on the top best 5 things that happened in 2011

Best, (in no particular order)
1) my neice being born
2) snowboarding in heavenly, lake tahoe, USA
3) holiday in Tallinn
4) V festival (aaaaallllllaaaaannnn)
5) holiday in hamburg

Happy new year.

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