Every Day Is A holiday!

By musings

Blue Heron In Flight

What a nice surprise today...the perfect end to the year...the resident blue heron took flight right in front of me!! He has been frequenting a little pond just above our backyard pond, so I have to walk up the cart path and sneak up on him. I never get too close before he takes to flight, BUT I was really ready this time. I had my camera set to sports action and had in in my sights before he flew. I got 5 good shots off before he disappeared. Thank you Mr. Heron :)

What a great year that has been on Blipfoto. I think back about my first pictures, and have a good laugh. They really were pretty mediocre. But I watched the rest of you, and did lots of reading, and I'm starting to catch on. Of course, a new camera has given me a bit more telephoto power, which is nice with the wildlife, and the 4 shots per second is icing on the cake!

I've been overjoyed at making the spotlight page a few times...I have to chuckle that this makes me feel so good. But the best part is getting to know all of you, and looking forward to reading your comments and seeing your wonderful photos you share each day. Here's to a wonderful 2012!! HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all :)

PS...if you have the time, stop by my granddauhter's first post on blipfoto today!
Click Here!

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