
It's 8:30am on Boxing Day and the weeWeir is just up. That's two days in a row with a late start. For which I am entirely grateful. Not because I needed it, but because it feels way more like holiday when you don't get up before 8am.

She was having a lot of fun this morning, playing with her new toys.

Here's the (title-suggesting) pram, a ballerina, Jessie, and one of the Barbies. Dr Barbie, if you want to know.

Mrs theWeir took herself off to be disappointed by the sale at Debenhams at 6:45. I wasn't even aware she'd left...

Today was very relaxed, not much done - other than playing, eating, visiting family for more eating and home after bedtime again.

Still, all very relaxed and low-pressure.

Which is ideal.

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