I've got a feeling

2011 has been a year of Zorbing for me:
Going round in circles, with little idea of direction and struggling with personal motivation.
I've been licking past wounds, rather than looking to the future.

However, Blipfoto has, since August, helped me to deal with the past and move forward.
It has opened up new horizons for me, enabling me to express myself and see me from a different perspective.

The comments, the support and the camaraderie from everyone in this community, and in particular my gang of regular blip mates who make me laugh out loud every day with their individual humour, are the reason I have continued to post daily entries to my journal. I thank you all.

There has been one very special friend throughout who has pestered me continuously, I wish you a wonderful year in 2012, and thank you for your constant nagging. X

My wish for 2012 is that you all have everything you hope for - and more.

As for me I've got a feeling...

2012 is going to be my year!!!

P.S. I must apologise for the lack of commenting recently, either Blip or my internet connection have been extremely slow, and I have struggled just to get my daily blip uploaded. Will resume ASAP

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