The End

Of another year. Hard to believe that another 12 months have passed. This time last year I was relatively new to Blip. Now I'm so addicted, and have learnt so much, that I'm thinking of adding photography to my business.

I've 'met' some great friends as well...most of them only through Blip, a couple of them face to face. I'd love to meet more...I know some of the Scottish contingent regularly get together for blipmeets. Maybe we can look forward to a South Coast blipmeet in the future? Who knows what 2012 will bring.

For now though, I will leave you with all the very best wishes for a Happy New Year. Ours will be quiet (as it seems a lot of other people's will be too). Dinner, a glass or two of the remaining wine, and then quite possibly early to bed.

See you all in 2012.

Possibly better viewed large :-)

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