Hogmanay 2011

Hogmanay has arrived at the end of an eventful 2011

On a personal front, his Lordship and I have wept over the deaths of good friends but rejoiced in the arrival of a new grandson; we have travelled to new places and enjoyed the company of friends and family; we have settled into our new home and have managed not to kill each other while living in a space smaller than we have been used to.

On the global front we have watched from afar the upheaval of the Arab spring, the earthquakes, the floods and famines which seem to be endemic in this world of ours and feel so fortunate to have security, health and luck..

And so we are at the gate of a new year, a bit older, a trifle more frayed round the edges, a little wiser perhaps, but with shrinking grey matter; a little more stooped maybe, but generally delighted to be still upright and looking forward to the future.

My Hogmanay blip is for you punters out there who according to the newspapers yesterday don't know the words to 'Auld Lang Syne' and who either fall silent at the unknown lines or sing completely new words. Burns would be turning in his grave; yes Robert Burns. Apparently there are some ignorant folk who think the song was coined by Paul McCartney, or heaven forbid Elvis Presley.

Actually I don't mind what you mumble, as long as you say 'Syne' not 'Zyne' - it's a sibilant 's' as in song, not a 'z' as in zoo- when you get to the chorus. I'll be listening.

I dare say our dark haired 'first footer' carrying a lump of coal and a bottle of whisky will never materialise and it will be his Lordship, silver haired (he will so enjoy that description!) carrying the papers and a bottle of milk who will be the first to grace our doorstep in 2012.
Now there's an entrepreneurial outlet for some dashing young student at new Year-
www.Dial-a -First Foot .com

I raise my glass, to wish you all whether or not you can sing Auld Lang Syne,

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