Welsh Dragon

By WelshDragon

Better Late than Never

I have just upgraded my account to full membership (Christmas present from the kids - excellent!) and I am having great fun looking at all the stats on my journal.
Imagine my horror when I discovered that I had a missing blip from two months ago - I was sure that I had blipped something every day since I joined.
Well, I checked my saved photos and lo and behold I had taken a photo on that date and saved it in my special blip folder on my laptop. I just didn't get round to uploading it for some reason (it was during my week off work so I was most likely drunk and incapable very busy.
I vaguely remember taking this shot - it was on Hill Head beach looking across to Osborne House on the Isle of Wight. I definitely remember thinking that the island was getting more than their fair share of the sunshine because it was blimming freezing and windy on our side of the Solent!

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