As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

I'm A Loser, Baby

We had a meet today at St. Anthony's. We were there really early for a change so we had plenty of time to warm up before the 3200m. Danny won the seeded heat and Timmy and Mikey ran well. I ran in the unseeded heat and stayed in a pack with Cam, Charlie, and Joe. It was good for the first 8 laps but then we started passing large groups of kids and I tried to break away. Cam ended up catching me at the end but I still ran a 10:59. Serravite compared winning the second heat to "kissing your sister"... So that was good. Frazer made me run the was bad. I don't want to run that again. Ever.

When we left the meet, I went home and hung out until I went ice skating with Avery, Lindsey, Alyssa, and Kaitlin. It was fun to be back on the ice after so long... After that we went to Alyssa's and played Monopoly. I destroyed.

Word of the Day: Fusty - Having a stale smell; moldy; musty

#78 ~ When the person who's hand you're holding is about to go down, let go.

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