Exploits of a Veelager

By KirkCowan

Paradise !

Well whilst Huricane Baw-Bag The Second was doing it's best to disrupt everything on Wednesday I gingerly made my way out of The Veelage amidst fallen trees and OMG trampolines en route to the biggest game of the season so far.

The fact I'd been up since 03:30 for work soon paled in to insignificance as I joined the hoards being drawn towards Celtic Park for the evenings entertainment, the adrenalin fully kicking in as I entered the arena, it was not long before 50,000 voices were singing their praises in unison around the ground reaching a crescendo as Celtic scored to secure the three points.

Another perfect Christmas gift made the arduous drive back to The Veelage fly by and was not long before I was able to re-live the evenings procedures in glorious technicolor thanks to Mr. Sky.

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