Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

It dawns on me...

Solitude, no joggers, no cars, nobody! Sweet stillness, sublime tranquility, I drifted along in some kind of haze, semi-delirious.

Inky blues and aglow street lamps shinning golden amber, the river was simply magical this morning. A Swan glided along the blackness, stark in her whiteness, like a bright star in the heavens drawing your eye constantly back to it, craving your attention.

I stood on the bridge for many minutes, letting the breeze caress my face, it's cold sharp fingers pinching my skin. I love these else's noise giving static to the rhythm of my own story, a simple narrative written in the breaths I take and the pulse in my veins.

I listen to people all day, and it can be hard to maintain the thread of your own life amongst the jumble of disasters, saga's and tales that wind around in the air about you, distorting, corrupting and selfish!

Peace...... someone once asked me what my life plan was (I never knew you could have one!) and my answer was try and make sense of it all, find some peace in my soul, see the sun rise and then set in the same day a few times and... to know love.....
he looked at me and said..."NO you pillock, work!".

I'm glad we are all different, the stories I hear, the yarns we all spin, like a jigsaw that constantly changes, yet the pieces all still fit.

Dawn, a time before many stories awake, time for my tale to whisper.......

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