What Chocolate?

Went to see the Cygnet this afternoon - he was in bed having a nap.

While we were there they got a phone call from the estate agent ...... somebody wanted to view their house TODAY.
The estate agent said 'No Way'
So he is coming to view tomorrow.
Who expects a house (with a child in residence) to be spick and span and ready for viewings just after Christmas?

Then it was round to our friends to see how things are going and to help finish organising the funeral.

That is where I took my proposed blip.

But when "Humphrey" turned up and started ripping off her shoes and running riot ............ it had to be a blip of her.

The white chocolate all over her hand and face is the remains of half a dozen chocolate buttons which were offered to her to stop her crying after she fell and bumped her head.
She insisted on taking them all at once (in case they were not on offer after the first one) and gripping them in her hot little hand before cramming them into her mouth (nearly).

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