Yesrerday's calm weather had definitely blown away this morning and, after a late night 'discussion' on packing Mr B said he would do the packing with no assistance and no fuss. As it happened, I did the clothes packing for me and the kids since I like to know where everyone's clean pants are. Mr B had a heck of a time trying to get 7 cubic metres of stuff into a saloon car boot. But eventually it was all in (bar some Tupperware) and I could even see bits of the kids under the bags.
So, sitting on three coats each, we made our way to Manchester. We don't see my brother and his family very often which is a shame as their oldest boy is about the same age as Conor and they get on famously well. We had a wonderfully un-Christmassy pasta dinner, much wine and a long evening catching up and watching a comedy video. This is their fish, blipped when I realised in a panic that I had failed to blip anything on the motorway.
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