It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

A TV day!

Another miserable weather day and we are all feeling a bit jaded so it was a TV afternoon for us!

Well it was a TV afternoon for mum and I. Daddy had to take himself to bed with a nasty illness called a hangover? Sounds terrible. Apparently it comes on after you have had a night drinking with the boys and not making sure you eat your dinner first *giggle*

He did take me for a great play at the cricket ground later on though. He said he 'needed the fresh air' and boy was it fresh......and very wet!!

After a big dinner we are all now back on the sofa for a snuggly night in front of the fire.

Bye for now
Lily xxx

Ps I feel that I don't thank people enough when I make it to spotlight. I am so lucky to be there every day because you all leave such wonderful comments for me. I don't like to gush on about it though because I don't want you to think I am big headed and boasting! but I really am very very very very grateful and amazed every time! :-) Thank you xxxxxxxxxxxx

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