as seen

By jankerman

Geometric Clouds

Hi all, sorry I have lapsed, two days blipless, very shabby! Just have not felt motivated or when I have seen something have not had the oppertunity to record them. Millers wound had been healing well, today the first stitch had pulled out, means the notch in his lip will be more cigar sized than fag! Mrs A S and I are on our belated Christmas break (2 whole days ),turkey in the oven, we pushed the boat out on the way home from the yard and ordered a "new wheelbarrow"! ( we live the life dont we! ) I spied this cloud formation as we neared home, thought it looked like tyre treads in the sky! Its now raining so that it a cloud blip. Have a good day one and all, I'll try to do better ;¬)

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