Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

A Study in Studyin'

Just a quick shot of my girl reading (she has her own collection of ebooks on my iPad). Pretty up and down weather today, so not all that great for photography. I did take a nice photo of some little yellow roses, but then noticed when I looked at the photo that there were very obvious huuuuuge weed leaves. Which I decided was a bad look.

So I took some pics of our little Miss. This was my favourite of them. I did my usual B&W conversion, sharpened, tone-mapped, and then added another layer, set to 'screen' at ... hmmm, I forget the opacity ... and then edited the layer mask so it only affected her skin, so as to create some contrast between her skin and the sofa - which was showing as a rather too similar tone of grey.

I do very much like the unprocessed, colour version, but since I did so much tutuing around, I decided to blip this B&W.

Large version here.

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