Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Fifth Day of Christmas: Coal

Tradition dictates a lump of coal be left on the doorstep as a gift on New Year's Day. It happens as part of First-Footing and represents warmth for the year to come. Luckily these two little boys still had plenty left over from their unfortunate Christmas presents...

I can't tell you how desperate I've been to get out and photograph, or maybe I can with photographs and the rest on my blog, but this is Reuben's first venture out after his hospital stay over Christmas for RSV. I felt starved. Thanks Carrie for visiting again today, and bringing me a beautiful tea maker and most importantly, putting up with my itchy feet.

Sitting down for movies. Callum asks for "George... the Christmas one" meaning Scrooge. His favourite version after a couple of spins this year is firmly the Jim Carey which he laughs his way through or excitedly jumps on the sofa at, and that's even the really really scary bits, followed by the 1954 film. We did some neighbourhood lights again this evening which he differentiates as "they're for grown ups" and "they're for children" depending on which ones he likes. Love it.

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