
By erinmaureen

I bet that's Justin Bieber.

Today wasn't too exciting. My sister has an obsession with Bones so I found myself watching some episodes with her while she did her paint by number.

Currently I am watching a movie titled "babies" it's pretty weird....but babies are super cute so I'll deal with the weirdness.

I know that I stated in my blip on Christmas that I got a life size cut out of Justin Bieber for Christmas. I felt that I needed to share him with the world.

Let me explain how I find myself with this item in my possession. There are similar cut outs of him at Macys surrounded by his perfume and I challenged my sister Kaitlin to steal one. Long story short, she was unable to thieve one for me. So she bought me one. He creeps around my house. I don't hate it.

Also, if you've never seen the youtube video that goes along with the title of this it. You will thank me. The last 30 seconds are the best.

Emily- he will be in your bed next semester....and probably Dan's... but unlike you, Daniel will have him there willingly.


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