Munlochy Bay, mud galore.

I know, it's a bit grim. Today has been. Cold, wet, strange short periods of strong winds, then calm. Grey, lots of grey. Went out for a couple of early morning snaps, and came back cold, wet, and mud splattered... about three hours later. It wasn't fun in any way imaginable, but beat sitting about the house. And I explored some of this unattractive area. There was another loon in the distance. I kept well clear of him. A wildfowler - I don't do guns. They head out a while before dawn and lie in wait. A good reason to avoid the area, unless it's Sunday. There was little in the way of wildlife about, so I suspect he had no luck.

Found a small earthenware bottle in a burn. Made in Portobello, Edinburgh, long, long ago. It must have been lying in the mud for years. Spent a good while trying to clean it up. There was some sort of light (weight) silver metal in the bottom. Suspect the bicarbonate of soda I put the bottle to soak in, also cleaned up the metal, which must have been in some sort of solution when it was thrown away or lost. The original cork had been pushed inside.

Thank heavens for wellies!

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