I pull from you isjaka...



Still Christmas shopping, I had to go through the graveyard as they had closed the bridge from Princes' Street Gardens to King's Stables Road. There are a lot of homeless people sleep in this graveyard, some of whom are injecting drug users. It's also frequented by non-homeless or previously homeless injectors as well, so much so that they've installed disposal bins for sharps in some of the crypts and out of the way corners where the most drug litter was being found. It's fairly close to the needle exchange and has cut down on litter as well as stopped people shooting up in tenament stairs on Grindlay Street and the surrounding areas.

At the base of the castle wall you can see the sally port or postern gate, below the prison block. It was used for a secret meeting which led to the raising of the Jacobite army in 1689.

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