michigan man

By outdoorguy


I still see her standing by the water...
Standing there...looking out to sea...
And...is she waiting there for me...
On the beach where we used to run?
Glen Campbell...Galveston

This is not a sea...although I wish it was. It is a pond.
This is not Texas...although I wish it was. 32 degrees F here today.
This is not a beach...although a little sand would be nice.

The little missus seems to be deep in thought. "I like him...but...does he like me?" "Should I stay...or should I go?" "Why do we have to deal with this snow and ice?" Many questions could be there in her lovely head.

There is a lot to be said for the brilliant green on the males head...but there is also something captiviting about the browns and the blacks of the female. Maybe it's the way the different patterns of the feathers come together. Plus...that swatch of blue almost equals the brightest blues of the ocean. So pretty!!

A lot of waterfowl at my "spot" today. I think Marilyn (a solid white duck) is either visiting or has moved here from Linden...5 miles away.

Google Maps tells me that Galveston, Texas is 1389 miles from my house, and that it would take me 23 hours to drive there. We could be there for New Years. Perhaps we could take this little brown charmer with us. She could "duck" into our backseat, and we could just "wing it." I wish.

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