Kilchum Castle, Loch Awe...

...Mike & I decided a few days ago to visit this castle after seeing it on a calender. When we googled it, it was further up than we thought, but decided to go anyway.

It was a lovely day. So glad we took our wellies as 3 sections of the path to the castle was flooded by the loch. A fisherman on the loch must have thought we were daft wading through the water lol. We even stopped at a waterfall on the way home that I keep meaning to stop at but drive past every time. We stopped at Lochmaben on the way home for some fish & chips.

Then it was home again and time for us to get Mike's things ready for work tomorrow and for me to give him a hair cut, I hate that job he makes such a mess and doesn't nothing but moan about it.

Shona :0)x

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