Snips and Snaps


Blipmeet With Altitude

... and my two fellow-blippers don't even make it onto the screen one due to fells- double-booking and the other because he was leading the way up onto Sail summit. For those interested we met in Braithwaite village and headed to Causey Pike from there across Scar Crags which is where this was taken. Up and over Sail, Crag Hill and onto Eel Crag. At this stage the conditions deteriorated resulting in an inability to stand up due to the gusting winds and driving hail which was hitting us horizontally. Having re-grouped we made our way carefully off and down to the old mine to give us an easy trot back to the cars. Quick sort out and into the Royal Oak in the village for hot coffee and a bite to eat - a grand day out and thanks to Stesedthat for organising it.

Scamp had an extremely stressful day of it trying to round us all up in a way that was right, with S at the front where he should be! What with that and being flipped over on the summit of Eel Crag he may not join us on next year's outing!

More pics of the day featuring Scamp, can be found here

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