
By eunique

4th Day of CNY- with Friends!

I really enjoyed myself today!

It's been a long time since I've spent time out with friends having a ball 'o time playing games and laughing till our sides ache!

Shihui and I went bowling and arcade-shooting in the morning. We were the first (and for a long time, the only) customers at the centre as we filled the air with laughter and 'polished' the gutters with our (sometimes) crazy shots..! I wouldn't have laughed at Shihui if she threw the ball backwards once, since *ahem*, I've done that before when I started out playing the game back in my secondary school days.. but TWICE in a 3hr-span?! "wAhahahaha..." ;)

Even after the 3 games we had, we sat around for awhile, watching other people play.. some smashing the lanes with their high-speed shots! We, erm, even took notice of that guy two lanes from us, the other guy in black tee, and the 'I *heart* Tokyo' white-tee teenager with his bunch of friends ('too young!')~!

Next up! We actually wanted to play 'table-hockey'-- it's like real-life Pong where each player would stand at either ends of the table with a paddle, hitting the disc so it would slide back and forth, and hopefully into our opponet's goal! It's another one of the games that's so fast-paced and exciting, it never fails to reduce me and my secondary school mates into.. *horRors of hoRRoRs!* a pile of giggling schoolgirls! BUT, since the arcade didn't have that, we decided to choose the next best choice-- a bout of game-shooting the zombies and other bad guys!

I think I'm truly a 'sight to behold' when playing such shooting games! Save for my fairly ok--but not very good-- shots (Shihui gives much more accurate aiming), I actually automatically, PHYSICALLY swerve my body to the left-down (almost crouching) as I DUCK THE BULLETS & attacks! *dOH! *slaps forehead and covers face* I don't know why, but I have a tendancy to do that whenever playing electronic games, even when young when I played console car-racing games with my bro, he'll ask why I'm swerving the console to one side as my race car turns around the bend..!

We then met up with Di, Pear and Shuling for lunch and more games at Settlers Cafe! It's quite a nice place where we could eat and play board games with friends. When one of the game instructor came over and asked what type of games we'd like to play, we amused him by saying we'd like to start off with a no-brainer game! (hey! we've already exhausted our brain juices in the first half of our hectic semester!) We played this card game similar to 'Heart-Attack!' where someone had to ring the bell every time there the sum of the same type of fruit added up to the number 5. Think I was 'over enthusiastic' on that one..! lol.. the word decribing game, 'Taboo' was fun too, so were the other two games (titles which I've forgotten) which included moulding play-doh and letting others guess it, and this ranking of 5 different items/values/etc ranging from the most to the least importance to the person.

We ended the games around 6pm, some of us going home, while the rest of us had simple Chinese dessert and a short walk down Chinatown, tired but happy :)


I honestly forgot about the Ash Wednesday mass I had to attend in the evening, until my dad rang me up to remind me about it. Thank God there was still the 8pm mass I could go to. I invited one of my friends to come along, since she did express interest in seeing how a Catholic mass was conducted. Somehow I feel that Religion is one of the touchy topics that people would avoid talking about it, talk about it as if it were a joke or a bane to society, or in a way that is highly critical. At least I needn't worry when I talk about Religions with this friend of mine.. she doesn't judge/lecture/engage in hard-sell evangelism (I had some friends of other denominations who'd asked me out on the pretext of a simple lunch, but then started to actively challenge my faith and tried to convince me to convert over to their church instead..).

I'm not the best person to talk about my faith, for I realise there is much that I do not know nor understand.. no doubt, there is still much room for me to grow spiritually. What I am thankful of is that at least I can share my thoughts and reflections-- whether it concerns Religion or otherwise--to my friend.. I can comfortably do so because I know that she listens, will share with me her views and and give an honest response without being dismissive, judgemental or overtly critical.

Thank God that our paths crossed.
I am so glad and grateful for knowing you.

Thanks for being a friend, Shihui :)

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