With One Eye Wide Open


Crossing Paths

I was hoping to borrow words from some famous or even unknown poet but I couldn't find any that reflected my thoughts.....

We cross paths with people that at first appear to be so random that we don't even spare a second thought about them. But then we cross paths with the same people again and again and again and probably after the 4th, 5th even maybe the 6th time, only then we start to wonder and take notice. It maybe someone we always walk past or brush up against on our way to wherever. Someone who rides the same bus to work every single morning or the same girl behind the counter where we get our coffee from everyday. A random face that becomes part of our world without our even being aware of it.

Blip has a collection of the same random of people from all walks of life (not to mention from all parts of the world) but bounded by the same love and passion. The same passion that made us look twice and say a nice word here and an encouraging word there. A few words each day that after a few weeks, months, 100 blips has become part of the little world we call our reality. Friendships and mutual respect and admiration forged through the sharing of images and stories. Some are funny, some are joyous, some are sad and others downright heartbreaking. The thing is, we share our lives in this wee world we call blip with the most random people that we may never meet in this lifetime but has made a difference to our daily lives.

With that I thank everyone who bothered to twice, thrice and everyday look through the window I opened in blip. My heartfelt thanks for the encouragement and kind words. May the next few hundred find me inspired with the work and amazing stories constantly buzzing in this wonderful land we call blip.

Dust dust everywhere! Aaarrrrgggghhhh! Despite spending $80 to have the sensor cleaned, i'm still surrounded by dust!!! I have a feeling I will have a nightmare about dust tonight and every single night until I finally get rid of it! :(

PS. Figured out how to remove the dust using Aperture so this photo is the version less the black spots! Yay!

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