Leaping tiger ?

The forecasters accurately predicted overcast skies turning to heavy rain. My morning run was done in humid greyness, and with the tide a long, long way out there was little to see but damp sand/mud and seaweed. At one point i saw a walker striding out along the sand, and he made a decent enough shot as my "on the run photo" for the day.

Midday we headed back to Auckland for a couple of matters and to leave daughter J so she can continue her process of arranging everything (as far as work is concerned) after four and a half years away. Shortly after we got back to the city, the womenfolk went to check out some cooking utensils, and I was left to entertain the boys.

At their request, we went to a park, where we had a really great time at the playground. Climbing, swinging, sliding, jumping and throwing (Mr H has a Vortex; squeals when thrown!). This was his interpretation of a pouncing tiger; at least that's my idea. He's probably more attracted to the idea of being a dragon.

EDIT: I am usually reluctant to modify an entry after I have made it. But today, after reading the comment of Kendall, I have done as she 'suggested' and cropped in on Mr H, without the play equipment. That had occurred to me and I didn't even investigate it. Did so after her comment and this is the result. Thank you, Kendall, for the suggestion.

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