
By airaMBick


Today is my father's anniversary, no candles for you daddy but instead a flower light for you! Yesterday and today are very special days, two people that I loved deeply left me one after the other and I still deeply miss them both!
I love this poem is the closest to the way I feel!
My Father
© Carla Lovan
Today You Left Me
Today has been a YEAR
But, it only seems like yesterday,
That, you left me.

I made the promise not to leave you
And to stay at your side.

I was just so tired
I needed to close my eyes,
I went to take a nap because the days that passed
I only slept a bit, so I could stay at your side.

When the call came to get back up there,
I came as fast as I could.
Only to find you had left me.
To this day I regret that I left your side
Because, I promised you I wouldn't leave your side.

I didn't get to say good-bye
But I did tell you I loved you before I left.
Dad I miss you and need you,
I know I have to let you go.
So you could rest in peace

You're, in a better place
Sitting, next to the lord
Where you once said,
You were ready to take your place
Next, to the lords in his heavenly grace.

You said miss me,
But let me go, for I have fulfilled my journey here on earth.
Now the lord is taking you home to start a new journey.

I think of you daily
It's, so hard not to cry,
I know I will be okay,
Because, I feel you near by.

Rest in Peace Dad for I will see you soon.
God has blessed me with a father like you.
All that you taught me will live on in my children and I thank the Lord for having you as my father.

I love you Dad, It was an honor to have you as my father.

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