party shoes

It was a Christmas / New Year's 'party' tonight at the beautiful home of fellow blipper, Tiree. Lots of yummy food, mulled cider, great company and excited children AND of course loads of tasteful and clever Christmas decorations.

Dragged my camera with me as I had been inside at work during the day and thought I might capture some of the loveliness of her house - but NO with five children in tow as we explored the place my shots were wonky and blurry - hey ho!

However I did capture at the beginning, Sienna's party shoes - laid out for her to slip out of her boots in to. She is insistent that she wears them to all the parties we have been to lately (lucky us!) but with Cumbrian weather a factor, she has to wear her sensible boots first to get through the rain, mud, sleet and even snow before she can start to wear these.

A four year old 'shoe diva' I feel in the making!

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