Crazy Red

By crazyred


Yesterday evening turned out to be ordering Sis Kebab instead of Pizza. Yummie. This morning my whole house (which has the size of a peanut btw) smelled of grilled meat and garlic. Hope I don't have to kiss anyone today (not that kissing somebody is ever gonna happen, what am I thinking..?).
Anywho, it was a nice evening, but a late night 'cause the neighbours decided to have a party until 3 AM. Should have join them... I'm always thinking clever things way after the fact. Note to self: ask shrink why.

Today is Sunday (duh...) and I call it an official PJ-day.
Just laying about, roaming through and doing nothing in particular. I love these jamies, they are my favorite... they are my only one for that matter.

What are you doing on this lazy Sunday? Tell me. No, show me!

Have a great one.

Crazy Red out.

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