Guess The Flavour*

I have not been out today -- apart from going to the end of the path to retrieve the wheelie bin before the wind took it to far away lands.
My it has been windy.

SWMBO went out to get the paper and to let some people know of the death of our friend.
She also responded to a cry for help from Bags (formally known as daughter) who is not well and was looking for some assistance in looking after the Cygnet.

I stayed at home and got on with making a slideshow of my nephews wedding.
I have come to a grinding halt though as I cannot find our CD that has the required Etta James track.
Now I will need to await the return of SWMBO to see if she knows where it may have been squirrelled away (she is not answering calls - the Cygnet has probably hidden her phone).

* Yes - it is TURKEY

Edit .......... Additional rant - - - Fecken NHS 24 doctors
Would you believe that the doctor who attended at our friends house when she died pronounced life extinct (which legally doesn't have to be done by a doctor in Scotland) but refused to sign a death certificate.
The usual excuse ..... he didn't know the patient.
SHE HAD TERMINAL CANCER FOR 4 YEARS -- THE NURSES WERE IN AT LEAST 3 TIMES A DAY FOR THE LAST TWO WEEKS. All her medical notes are on computer and the medication notes were in the house.


What really pisses me off when they do this is the additional heartche for the families when they are told that there will be a post mortem.
Especially when any forensic pathologist worth his salt will just read the notes and sign the certificate.

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