
By earthdreamer

Winter Pasture

Eased back into the normal routine today by working from home, and taking some time out to catch up with a few personal housekeeping jobs. The state of my studio has descended from an ordered chaos into a squalid chaos over the last few months. I've started to get organised again with the aim of starting the new year in a state of order. The main driver for this is a need to fit a new turbo trainer up here. If I'm going to get fit for next year's Cent Cols Challenge then I need a means of getting in some steady miles every day when the winter weather makes that very difficult. I'm going to set it up in front of the old television and watch a load of DVDs that I've been storing up over the last few years.

I tried to do some commenting catch-up at lunchtime but the site was virtually unusable until mid-afternoon. It now seems to be running really fast - I think as fast as I've ever experienced it. I suspect a major upgrade has been performed. I'm hoping so anyway. I'm out tonight for a meal with some friends I haven't properly caught up with in years, but hope to pop in on a few people here when I get back.

I took this shot on a bike ride this morning. I knew I had taken a blip from the same point in the summer, but this has turned out to be a near identical view to Wharfedale Morning. taken almost exactly six months ago, on the opposite side of the year. I think it's worthy of repetition. The contrast is fascinating. I always look at this tree now when I cycle past. It has become one of my very favourites.

You all have a great evening.

PS. Loved Great Expectations last night. Tonight's episode on record to be watched later. Gillian Anderson was amazing.

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