
By DaveyTrain


I put in a 14 hour day in the yard today. Who said I was on holidays?

Excavator in the back yard, mow the front, sweep the driveway and set a fire out the back (Jack was happy with this: he toasted some marshmellows).

At around 6:00 pm, I threw some snags, spuds and some pork scotch fillets on the barbie. No, that is not a Coke on the side, well, it sort of is.... It does have a healthy splash of smooth, smooth bourbon in it... :)

Back at it tomorrow with a 5 meter skip bin being delivered. Once I've filled it, we'll be ready to lay turf.

There is light at the end of the tunnel :)

It's now 10:15 pm and I'm stuffed. A shower and bed is now my priority so I'll catch up on comments tomorrow.

Nighty night dear blippers.

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