Winter Sunset

Was in quite a low mood today as the pressure of the upcoming exams hit and I felt compelled to revise rather than being able to spend time with the family. For the last 7 years I have had exams just after the Christmas period and I am rather fed up of not ever properly being able to get into the spirit of things. This should be the last year where this is a problem, as even if I do get on the masters course the University have changed the timetable so the exams are before Christmas - hopefully this will apply to the masters. Its all very well giving us 2-3 weeks off after exams and starting term up again in February, but the rest of the family is back at work/school then, so you end up just doing work to fill the time anyway!
Anyhoo rant over!
This evening went to a friends 21st at a kareoke bar in town. I think I miss the point of fun in it, but I think she had a good time!

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