
You were nearly subjected to a blip of my lacerated legs after we orienteered around the brambles and spiky shrubs of Bishops Wood near Selby. Thankfully, we called in at Mary's on the way home and took a walk out to the new wildlife reserve at Beal Carrs, and back along the side of the River Aire to the village. I had to decide between this one and this one of reflections in the river. I decided to go with the meander because of the added interest of the flotsam/jetsam which has collected in the curve of the river. Tony first drew my attention to someone's toy dog sitting amidst the debris, you may have to enlarge this to see it. Did it fall or was it pushed?! It shows how times have changed as Tony said that when they were children the wood amongst this rubbish would have been collected for the fire.

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