Mad Ramblings Of An Idiot

By ivanb

Scaredy Cat

A couple of minutes before Mrs B's picture was taken (
) Saffy yawned, one of those cat yawns where you can see right to her tail.

So, with phone in hand, I quickly snapped her. But a cat yawn is quicker than an iPhone, so I missed the yawn, but I did end up with a picture of a very freaky looking cat.

Time to get the proper camera out on speed burst I think to catch the full effect, but if I ever succeed, you'll be the first to know.

Incidentally, if you're wondering why Saffy looks sooooo annoyed in Mrs B's picture, it's probably because Saffy gets snapped quite frequently. Oh, and possibly because Saffy still thinks after nearly seven years that Mrs B should move out

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