
Soaring heat today...reached 26 degrees C which is very warm for Dunedin.

My Tuesday stint at the Chinese Gardens was moderate. Brilliant day to be in the gardens. Lots of insect action...dragonflies flitting too fast over softly ripples water. Black backed gulls surveying the lake in the hope of a quick lunch of gold fish - unlucky that time. Sparrows and dunnocks nimbly pecking fallen repast and the odd blackbird or two cocking a beady eye at a chance with a bee or fly.

Mothers grandchildren arrived late afternoon to start in on getting the garden in better shape. Their Christmas present to their granny. They tackled the lousy excuse for a lawn, neatened the edges with the weed eater/whipper snipper, reduced the self sown poppy patch and cut back a couple of daisy bushes that were out of control. Tomorrow they will be back to tidy up the front garden whilst Mother is being taken out for morning tea at the botanic gardens by another grandchild.

So good to see the "kids" making an effort to spend time with Granny and Granny loves the time spent with the grandkids.

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