Let There Be Light

By solli

Harry Said To Say Hi

I stayed on the couch all day watching a Wife Swap marathon and eating leftovers until I couldn't stand it any longer, so about 3:30pm I told the hubby I had to go, I was driving myself bonkers and I needed to find Harry.

The light at Echo lake was beautiful, the air so clear that I felt supremely happy just to be alive. A fisherman saw my camera and asked if I got the kingfisher. Kingfisher? After talking to him for awhile I understood that the bird who had gamed me last week wasn't a woodpecker as I'd thought. The little kingfisher was perched far across the lake and all I got was a few blurry shots but that was ok; it was time to look for the heron.

Harry was settled in by a little bridge, eyeballing insects, stretching his neck and hunkering down just as he always does. He let me get pretty close before he decided I was a tad too close, then he lifted those great wings and flew off into the sunset as I furiously tried to focus the camera to no avail.

He must have been preening himself since there were feathersstuck to his beak.

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