Strange journey

By hrund

730 snappety snaps

Happy Blipday to me !!!
So this is my little self. Absolutely hate having my picture taken. Usually I have my eyes halve closed (very very sensitive eyes) and everybody think I was drunk, or I´m escaping the frame hiding, turning my back into the camera or making funny faces. I have been like this since I can remember. Most of my mums photo of me are just silly or horrible. But hey?? this is a challenge so I snapped three photos of myself on my way out and 2 of them I was like a drunk (of course) but this was the best I could do - might do a proper self-portrait one day on my big canon and tripod?. but then I would have to be drunk for sure just to feel comfortable doing it :p
But now you know who is behind the camera.

Taking one photo a day is a habit now. I try to tell a little story with each photo and I know later on this journal is going to be priceless for me.
And while I´m at it I practise my writing in English ;)
Thank you everyone at Blip for making this happening for us Blippers - this is just a wonderful community.
And a huge thank you to everybody who drop in here with your lovely comments and stars and favourites for the last 2 years. You are all gems.



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