I don't know about you, but I've had enough Christmas blips. Time to move on to other things.
I persuaded Cynthia to try a different lens on her camera today and the result was very pleasing. That got me in the mood for playing around with my camera.
The fluorescent lights in my shop are supposed to match daylight, but I think they're a little on the cold side. I take pictures down there fairly often and decided it would be worth doing a custom white balance. Of course, I had to dig out the instruction manual. Like most manuals, it's very complicated and poorly organized, so it took me a long time to get things right.
Naturally, I needed to take some test photos. These pegboard hooks were close at hand, waiting for me to install the pegboard behind my other bench. I thought they made a good test subject and an interesting pattern. Cynthia likes it -- and she has good taste.
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