The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

The Baby is Born.....

At long last Mary born her baby boy during the night and the Inn Keeper and his wife made her as comfortable as possible, and allowed the Shepherds and Wise men around the crib, all the past trials and tribulations were forgotten, as long as the sheep kept their distance. Even the angel came to pay his respects to the Baby Jesus, so did all the animals. Soon they were at the crib praying for the baby and his Mother.

They prayed for Love, Peace and Healing
Love for all the Children in the World
Peace for all the War torn areas
And Healing for all the sick

And to everyone in the Blip Zone Mrs BM and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and I hope I have bought a smile to you over the past five days.
I will be back blipping normal tomorrow.

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