Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


Well Santa brought Ferd a new bed, that he now fits in. A Christmas Card with dog treat that he thought was very nommy and a new Grey Mouse.

He had to wait until after lunch to be able to open his pressies - well the dog bed he didnt have to wait for as that just magically appeared this morning.

I got lots of lovely bits - but OMG Mr Mouse brought me a badge maker and a Horrible Histories jigsaw puzzle :) From my in-laws I also got a great mini photo studio will be playing with that later in the week.

Mr Mouse says that his best present was a little photo book that me and the animals put together for him.

We all then had a lovely little snooze listening to Christmas music.

Tomorrow is another big day for us - its Ferds birthday, he will be two.

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