Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Chicken Dinner

Shhhh, dont tell anyone I am here. I really should be washing up and tidying for the next influx of friends and family. We have a very busy Christmas day and I am resenting it a little this year. Not sure why.

Anyway I have a Banjo :) yay....no time to try it today though. Its lovely but the baby has been sick on it already. Joy.

Anyway this is my Bluebell Chicken enjoying the remnants of the Christmas dinner prepared by my lovely hubby.

They must think its Christmas or something the amount of scraps that have come their way.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. Thanks to all my subscribers and those who have viewed my pictures and commented since I picked this back up again. All comments are greatly appreciated. Its nice here I like it and I am hoping to improve my photography in 2012 x lots of love[/i]

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