The George Inn, Leeds, Kent

D and I have just got in from an enjoyable evening with some friends in this lovely little pub in the village of Leeds, near Maidstone, which is a 20 mins drive from where they live. Although its a straight road to their house we got lost and ended up taking the best part of 2 hours to get there and only 25 mins for the return journey - oops I think its time we invested in a Sat Nav :)

As its actually Christmas Day now (just) I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and I hope you all have an amazing day. Also I'd like to thank everyone for your wonderful and kind comments for my 2 year blip of yesterday; I will respond to all over the next couple of days - I even made the Spotligt page and I missed it :(
I'm off to bed now as its gonna be a long day.

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