Last minute...

Wrapped the presents.

Corin hasn't done his yet - he's in the shed playing on his playstation, with a roaring fire and a cup of tea on the go.

We remembered that we hadn't put the chocolates on the tree - James did it for me and in a clever piece of package opening, we managed to ensure that 3 COULDN'T be placed on the tree and could therefore be scoffed there and then.

James has been out and about much of the day.

Corin has been re-roofing one of the sheds.

I've been trying to get going and was unsuccessful until about 4pm.

Need to get my act together for my boys.

Still feeling fragile after bravado and ill considered words last night caused me to slump to the worst low point I have had for a long time.

I don't think some people realise that I am on the edge.

It's taken me a while to realise how close I am to it - last night, I almost went over.

However, Christmas looms and I will do my best for my boys.

James has announced that he is going to bed early...that is a bit of a surprise and probably means he is going to be up early tomorrow...bum.

Have a wonderful Christmas with your families and friends - eat, drink, be merry and be full of love for one another.

Love from

Back blipped last night.

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