Photography By Natasha

By PhotographyByMe

Need to be clean...the big man is coming!

Forgive me blippers, for I have sinned, it has been 52 days since my last blip and quite frankly I feel awful!

I have been looking at all of your wonderful entries, but haven't uploaded any of my own, but I will try my very hardest (espcially if Santa brings me a new computer!!!)

So, Santa is all ready en route and has landed in Afghanistan, and I wish he can keep all our troops safe and bring them home!

But in my home tonight, the excitement has reached fever pitch, so much so my little man, forgot that he hated water being poured all over his head to wash his hair...and duly did it himself!!! So it just had to be shared.

May I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, wherever you may be :0)

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