Upside down on the Eve

What if I should fall right through the center of the earth... oh, and come out the other side, where people walk upside down.
~ Alice in Wonderland

Up the pole and to the ring , the peanuts the thing. Ruby has had a busy morning, it's cold finally and the starlings and wrens are enjoying the brisk sunshine.

We are quiet and peaceful here, presents wrapped and under the tree. My brother and sister in law, niece S & her boyfriend,D , will come around 9:30/10 tomorrow morning for Christmas breakfast and gifts. We'll do Face Time, or Skype with G in Sweden. He celebrated with the Swedish folks today and we had a tour of their glorious meal via Face Time earlier(thank you Apple, you have made this holiday brighter). T and I will have steamed lobster and stuffed quahogs later in the day on Christmas and then visit with some of her family.

The cats have had a fairly uneventful week settling into two level living/ peaceful separation in full view of each other. She has stopped hissing and growling and just stares. Hopefully this will pass.

Happy Christmas Eve to all.

For the Record,
This day came in cold and bright, weather suiting Christmas Eve.

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