
By schlimm


First day of holidays, the kids and me got a bit of a lie-in. Then I took A to go last minute present buying and also to go get the (horribly expensive) piece of meat. This is our Christmas extravagance and since we only cook every second year it's actually ok. Well I think it is and don't get too shocked or think about how many pairs of shoes I could have bought instead :-)
The only little damper was that I got my results through for my class in graphic design. That I wouldn't get any good marks for use of indesign and illustrator I knew, there simply wasn't enough time to learn. Apparently I've got the potential (which in itself is a very good thing) but I cannot express it enough. Haven't developed my initial idea enough. Actually I recognise some of the criticism from when I studies literature. I seem to have it all in my head but do not translate it well enough into writing (or in this case) drawing. Apparently I also wrote far too much down (not surprising, I did study literature before, after all).
What am I taking from all of this? Enough enthusiasm to go on, not to despair and to work on my photographic ability, apparently there was scope there. I hope there is and I will take an evening class in photography next.

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