Another Beautiful Day

By drewzealand

Mother Nature Rocks Again

Would like to be able to say Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas, but alas, nature has struck visciously - from 2pm 23/12/2011 Christchurch has experienced 30 more quakes - our house has rocked and rolled and stood strong, however we emotionally are tired and drained from lack of sleep once again. The Liquifaction Gods have been kind to our section but not our neighbourhood.
The East of Christchurch suffers again. A suggestion would be to demolish the east and make a lovely new Eastland Park ( similar to Hagley),probably like it should have been except for the greed of developers and council.
The West of Christchurch might feel the quakes however has no fathomable idea of the emotional truama that we feel. As I sit here and type this out the computer screen wobbles with yet another aftershock. I am appalled today at the insentitivity, calousness and unchartiable fellow man - GOLFERS who play at The Golf Club I'm employed at and probably every other Golf course in this city. How miserable and mean they are, no empathy, no care or concern. Thats what being wealthy golfers means - selfishness, uncaring, uncivilised, and unashamed of their attitutude to others, especially at this season of Goodwill to Mankind - what a joke they are!!!!
They are stone, immovable, unfeeling, in-animate objects - only caring about their handicap while others really do suffer.
These earthquakes Christchurch have suffered have only showcased the inequalties and injustice in life.Some groups have have made obscene amounts of money while others live in dispair.
Slightly stressed,sorry.
To all the caring people of the world - I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.

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