Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Baby, it's cold outside!

We arrived safe and well after no traffic on the roads last night.......I could feel myself dozing off every now again, not good considering I was driving!

Today has been grey, wet and miserable, I have been working so I haven't really minded. All finished now though and we are watching a couple of movies whilst having a drink or two. Being the intelligent adults that we are, we are watching a Dreamworks movie :)

The fire is crackling, as you can see, and we are feeling decidedly festive here in Egloskerry - I keep thinking that it is Christmas Eve today and that we get to open all our presents tomorrow.............but it isn't!

My brother is on his way down with his girlfriend so I hope the traffic isn't too bad.....we are having a takeaway tonight.....very unfestive but hey, there you go :)

Right, there is a glass of vino calling my name.......Happy Eve of Christmas Eve to you all x

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